We Celebrate 10 Years of Rojava: A Visionary Social Experiment Under Threat

The people of Rojava pose a core threat to any existing government—especially those with imperialist ambitions—by showing the world a viable model of peaceful multi-ethnic coexistence, grounded in lived political, cultural, and ecological autonomy. Ten years ago, an auspicious experiment started alongside one of the most atrocious bloodsheds of this century. In July 2012, as…


Ecology Discussions and Practices in the Kurdish Freedom Struggle

Ecology is one of the three pillars of the paradigm of Democratic Confederalism, the political-theoretical concept of the Kurdish Freedom Movement. Besides democracy and gender liberation, ecology has been mentioned explicitly as a dimension in this concept since 2005. However to date, ecology is less discussed and practiced than the two other pillars. Ecological destruction…


The Main Principles of Democratic Confederalism

Democratic Confederalism, as defined by Abdullah Öcalan is the ethical, political, and administrative expression of society – as a historical and sociological structure – in which different identities, factions and groups coexist in dialectical harmony. By this we are not referring to a classical confederal structure consisting of states, but the confederal unity of societal…


The Party of Kurdistan’s “Third Revolution”

In her essay “On Revolution”, political theorist Hannah Arendt analyzes and compares the French, American and other revolutions to determine the “outstanding characteristics of the revolutionary spirit”. She recognizes these within the possibility of starting things with a new beginning, as well as in people’s collective action. Arendt is especially concerned with the question of…


Building Democratic Modernity

Especially at a time when humanity is in deep crisis and depression, discussing Rêber Apo’s (Abdullah Öcalan) thoughts that will be a solution to this chaos and crisis will be guiding in terms of finding solutions to the problems of capitalism in the world, especially in Europe in the coming period. I believe it will…


On the return to social ecology

” Humans gain in value when they understand that animals and plants are only entrusted to them. A social ‘consciousness’ that lacks ecological consciousness will inevitably corrupt and disintegrate”. Just as the system has led the social crisis into chaos, so has the environment begun to send out S.O.S. signals in the form of life-threatening…


Assessment of the Current Political Situation: The Third World War and its Impact on Kurdistan

Strengthening the Kurdistan Freedom Movement, which promotes an agenda independent of capitalist modernity and also concretely advances the construction of democratic modernity through the example of Rojava, is tantamount to strengthening all alternative, democratic actors worldwide. The first quarter of 2022 has passed which allows us to determine key characteristics and dynamics of the current…


Radical Democracy in Practice

The article “Democratic Confederalism and its practice” by Michael Knapp aims at presenting the concept of Democratic Confederalism applied in the Kurdish areas of Turkey and Syria as a concept of cohabitation and grassroots democracy. Starting with a discussion on the impact of national state in the Middle East a background for the theoretical development…
