Water Policy and Resistance in South Africa

No Money, No Water, No life’ Introduction The ‘water question concentrates and reflects within itself all the elements of exploitation, oppression and discrimination’ that characterise our societies. It is no exaggeration to say that ‘the quality and condition of our whole society’ (whether national or international) ‘depends on water’. In South Africa, the realities of…


The denial of truth and its alternative

Last week, excerpts from an open letter by Pakhshan Azizi, a Kurdish political prisoner sentenced to death, titled “Concealment of Truth and Its Alternative,” were circulated on social media. The following text is a translation of the complete version of Pakhshan Azizi’s letter published by Bidarzani on 27 July, 2024. In her letter, Azizi details…


Our contribution for a socialist society in Colombia

Presentation of the People’s Congress (Colombia) in the panel “The question of bottom-up organization and internationalism”, part of the conference of the Academy of Democratic Modernity “The Art of Freedom”. Part I – Introduction to the Political Struggle of the People’s Congress: The Colombian government is highly militarized within the region of Abya Yala, but…


The roots of the conflict and the Sudanese vision of democracy

Speech by Shadia Abdelmoneim, political secretary of the Sudanese Communist Party branch in Germany, entitled “The roots of the conflict and the Sudanese vision of democracy” in the panel “Between people’s power and liberal democracy – Traps and necessities in the struggle for liberation”. Dear comrades Companions in the struggle for a better world in…
