The statist paradigm as the cause of the Middle East conflict

Cemil Bayık, Co-Chair of the Kurdistan Democratic Communities Union (KCK) Based on Abdullah Öcalan’s conception of history, which goes beyond the statist (1) paradigm and looks at historical developments from the perspective of a socialist paradigm, Cemil Bayık analyses the current situation in the Middle East and in particular the Arab-Jewish question and uses it…


Kurdistan and the Middle East: Developments and Prospects for a Democratic Solution

The Gaza war has shaken the political balance in the Middle East. ADM analyses the latest developments in the region and outlines prospects for democratic solutions. With the ongoing war in Gaza and Israel since the beginning of October 2023, the so-called “Middle East conflict” has once again moved to the centre of international public…


Defend Kurdistan Initiative: Defend this beacon of hope!

The Defend Kurdistan Initiative called on everyone to mobilize against Turkish attacks on Rojava and said: “Organise urgent meetings to raise awareness; create your local Defend Kurdistan groups and platforms; Take action! Mobilise, disobey, block – Smash Turkish fascism.” The statement released by the Defend Kurdistan Initiative on Sunday reads as follows: After months of war crimes, chemical warfare and…


“A real revolution cannot be brought about by a change of power”

One of the achievements of the Rojava revolution is the establishment of a democratic and multilingual school system. While teaching the Kurdish language was forbidden before the revolution, children in northern and eastern Syria can now be taught in their own mother tongue. The Academy of Democratic Modernity spoke with Nisrîn Reşik, spokesperson for the…


We Celebrate 10 Years of Rojava: A Visionary Social Experiment Under Threat

The people of Rojava pose a core threat to any existing government—especially those with imperialist ambitions—by showing the world a viable model of peaceful multi-ethnic coexistence, grounded in lived political, cultural, and ecological autonomy. Ten years ago, an auspicious experiment started alongside one of the most atrocious bloodsheds of this century. In July 2012, as…


The Party of Kurdistan’s “Third Revolution”

In her essay “On Revolution”, political theorist Hannah Arendt analyzes and compares the French, American and other revolutions to determine the “outstanding characteristics of the revolutionary spirit”. She recognizes these within the possibility of starting things with a new beginning, as well as in people’s collective action. Arendt is especially concerned with the question of…
