Society’s Peace and Democracy Problem

“Only self-defense will make peace possible. A peace with no self-defense can only be an expression of submission and slavery. Liberalism today imposes on societies and peoples peace with no self-defense. The unilateral game of democratic stability and reconciliation is nothing but a fig leaf on the bourgeois class domination achieved by the armed forces….


Society’s Militarism Problem

Defining militarism as the most advanced anti-society monopolism, Öcalan writes: “The military has always been the power that has penetrated, controlled, and subjugated society regardless of the form of the state, but it reached its apex in the era of the middle class (bourgeois) and under nation-state monopoly.” With “Sociology of Freedom”, the third volume…


The Main Principles of Democratic Confederalism

Democratic Confederalism, as defined by Abdullah Öcalan is the ethical, political, and administrative expression of society – as a historical and sociological structure – in which different identities, factions and groups coexist in dialectical harmony. By this we are not referring to a classical confederal structure consisting of states, but the confederal unity of societal…


Building Democratic Modernity

Especially at a time when humanity is in deep crisis and depression, discussing Rêber Apo’s (Abdullah Öcalan) thoughts that will be a solution to this chaos and crisis will be guiding in terms of finding solutions to the problems of capitalism in the world, especially in Europe in the coming period. I believe it will…


Radical Democracy in Practice

The article “Democratic Confederalism and its practice” by Michael Knapp aims at presenting the concept of Democratic Confederalism applied in the Kurdish areas of Turkey and Syria as a concept of cohabitation and grassroots democracy. Starting with a discussion on the impact of national state in the Middle East a background for the theoretical development…


Communal Democracy as a Way out of the Crisis

This article aims to contribute to the peoples’ perspective for a solution to the current structural crisis of capitalism. It has been developed from the theory of ‘democratic modernity’ – as opposed to capitalist modernity – as advocated by Kurdish people’s leader Abdullah Öcalan, who has been held captive in solitary confinement at Imrali prison…


Öcalan’s Paradigm: Redefining the Revolution

In general revolution is defined as a sudden, complete or marked change in something. In political science, a revolution (Latin: revolutio, “a turn around”) is a fundamental and relatively sudden change in political power and political organisation which occurs when the population revolts against the government, typically due to perceived oppression or political incompetence. When…
