Öcalan’s Paradigm: Redefining the Revolution

In general revolution is defined as a sudden, complete or marked change in something. In political science, a revolution (Latin: revolutio, “a turn around”) is a fundamental and relatively sudden change in political power and political organisation which occurs when the population revolts against the government, typically due to perceived oppression or political incompetence. When…


Chile between the anti-neoliberal revolt and the conservative offensive

Chile has more than four decades of neoliberalism, inaugurated by the civil-military dictatorship (1973-1990). As a consequence of this, different areas of social life (education, health, social security, etc.) have undergone radical processes of privatization and commercialization. In addition, another central aspect of the model has been the intensive exploitation of natural commons such as…


“Our goal is a free, democratic and independent Kurdistan, not a nation-state”

In an extensive interview, Besê Hozat and Cemil Bayik, co-Chairs of the Executive Council of the Kurdistan Democratic Communities Union (KCK), talk about what true independence means for Kurdistan, noncapitalist economic policies, the situation in Rojava, the achievements of the PKK in all four parts of Kurdistan, the attitude of the Freedom Movement towards other…
