Defend Kurdistan Initiative: Defend this beacon of hope!

The Defend Kurdistan Initiative called on everyone to mobilize against Turkish attacks on Rojava and said: “Organise urgent meetings to raise awareness; create your local Defend Kurdistan groups and platforms; Take action! Mobilise, disobey, block – Smash Turkish fascism.” The statement released by the Defend Kurdistan Initiative on Sunday reads as follows: After months of war crimes, chemical warfare and…


Democratic nation and national state (Part 2)

In the first part (1), an attempt was made to give a small insight into the discussions on the democratic nation and nationalism. In particular, the apoist historical perspective was examined and statehood and nationalism were elaborated as preconditions for capitalist modernity. In this part, several ideologies from Protestantism via liberalism to capitalism, will be…


Democratic nation and national state (Part 1)

“Freedom and equality achieved through nation states de facto only serve the monopolies, this has been shown all over the world. Power and capital monopolies never allow true freedom or equality. Freedom and equality can only be achieved through the democratic politics of a democratic society and protected through self-defence.” Abdullah Öcalan This article is…


In memory of Nagihan Akarsel

News of the killing of Nagihan Akarsel, a committed feminist activist and scholar, outside her home in Sulaymaniyah shocked the world on Tuesday morning, 4th of October 2022. In memory of Nagihan Akarsel we publish the following contribution by Zîlan Diyar, from the Jineolojî Committee Europe. I wanted to start with a poem. Then I…


“A real revolution cannot be brought about by a change of power”

One of the achievements of the Rojava revolution is the establishment of a democratic and multilingual school system. While teaching the Kurdish language was forbidden before the revolution, children in northern and eastern Syria can now be taught in their own mother tongue. The Academy of Democratic Modernity spoke with Nisrîn Reşik, spokesperson for the…


Alternatives to the Established Social Sciences

We publish Ann-Kristin Kowarsch’s contribution to the conference “Challenging Capitalist Modernity—Alternative Concepts and the Kurdish Quest” which took place in Hamburg, Germany, 3-5 February 2012. The paper raises critiques for the role, methodology and institutions of modern social science and presents the theory and practice of Jineolojî and Women’s academies in Kurdistan. Since the paper…


Society’s Peace and Democracy Problem

“Only self-defense will make peace possible. A peace with no self-defense can only be an expression of submission and slavery. Liberalism today imposes on societies and peoples peace with no self-defense. The unilateral game of democratic stability and reconciliation is nothing but a fig leaf on the bourgeois class domination achieved by the armed forces….
