Democratic nation and national state (Part 2)

In the first part (1), an attempt was made to give a small insight into the discussions on the democratic nation and nationalism. In particular, the apoist historical perspective was examined and statehood and nationalism were elaborated as preconditions for capitalist modernity. In this part, several ideologies from Protestantism via liberalism to capitalism, will be…


Democratic nation and national state (Part 1)

“Freedom and equality achieved through nation states de facto only serve the monopolies, this has been shown all over the world. Power and capital monopolies never allow true freedom or equality. Freedom and equality can only be achieved through the democratic politics of a democratic society and protected through self-defence.” Abdullah Öcalan This article is…


Assessment of the Current Political Situation: The Third World War and its Impact on Kurdistan

Strengthening the Kurdistan Freedom Movement, which promotes an agenda independent of capitalist modernity and also concretely advances the construction of democratic modernity through the example of Rojava, is tantamount to strengthening all alternative, democratic actors worldwide. The first quarter of 2022 has passed which allows us to determine key characteristics and dynamics of the current…
