Challenging Capitalist Modernity IV: We want our world back — Resist, Reclaim and Rebuild.

Date: 7–9 April 2023

Place: University of Hamburg, Audimax.

Translation: Simultaneous in Kurdish, English, German, Turkish; possibly Italian, Spanish and/or French.

Food: Lunch is 3 € for registered participants; tea, coffee, and water will also be available.

Livestream: The entire conference will be streamed in several languages.

Cultural activities: There will be cultural activities on Saturday evening.

Accommondation: Sleeping in private homes at no extra cost between April 6–10, 2023

Registration open: Registration is now open; register early to secure a place. Registration cost 20 € for students/unemployed and 30€ for others requested to defray the expenses of the conference

Registration: Please register at, and tell us if you need accommodation. This is required for smoother registration on the day and to secure an accommodation.

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