A New Form of International Solidarity

Duran Kalkan, member of the Executive Council of the Kurdistan Community of Societies (KCK), explains the system of democratic autonomy and democratic confederalism. How can we understand democratic autonomy or democratic confederalism? Is it a system that is regionally specific and therefore only able to address the Kurdish population? I can explain the democratic autonomy…


Chile between the anti-neoliberal revolt and the conservative offensive

Chile has more than four decades of neoliberalism, inaugurated by the civil-military dictatorship (1973-1990). As a consequence of this, different areas of social life (education, health, social security, etc.) have undergone radical processes of privatization and commercialization. In addition, another central aspect of the model has been the intensive exploitation of natural commons such as…


Towards Global Democracy: 21st Century Internationalism, Emancipatory Struggles and Self-Governance

We are now two decades into the 21st century. On a world scale, humanity is already facing the consequences of ecological disasters driven by climate change, massive air pollution and exhaustion of natural resources and shrinking biodiversity. Following some, this ecological crisis is the result of productivism, consumerism and anthropocentred relation towards nature. These affirmations…
