The Resistance of Culture

Abdullah Öcalan poses the question of what role culture plays in social transformation. In particular, in Volumes I, II, III and V of “Manifesto of Democratic Civilization”, he explores the question of how cultural resistance to the homogenization of the nation-state expresses itself: “Traditions and cultures are acts of resistance in and of themselves. They will either be destroyed or will survive, because their character is such that they do not know how to capitulate. At the next opportunity, their very nature requires that they resist even more vigorously. Nation-state fascism failed to take this reality into account. Suppressing them, even assimilating them, does not necessarily mean that they will cease to exist.”


The Struggle for Socialism Must Begin Today

Mustafa Karasu, is a founding member of the PKK and a member of the Executive Council of the KCK. In this extensive interview, he analyses the current situation of the world capitalist system and the impact of the Third World War on the Middle East. In addition to the war in Ukraine, he discusses the ongoing impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on capitalist modernity and societies. He further formulates important perspectives on the forces of democratic modernity and its current challenges. The interview was conducted in May 2023.


Challenging Capitalist Modernity IV: We want our world back — Resist, Reclaim and Rebuild.

Date: 7–9 April 2023 Place: University of Hamburg, Audimax. Translation: Simultaneous in Kurdish, English, German, Turkish; possibly Italian, Spanish and/or French. Food: Lunch is 3 € for registered participants; tea, coffee, and water will also be available. Livestream: The entire conference will be streamed in several languages. Cultural activities: There will be cultural activities on Saturday…


We Celebrate 10 Years of Rojava: A Visionary Social Experiment Under Threat

The people of Rojava pose a core threat to any existing government—especially those with imperialist ambitions—by showing the world a viable model of peaceful multi-ethnic coexistence, grounded in lived political, cultural, and ecological autonomy. Ten years ago, an auspicious experiment started alongside one of the most atrocious bloodsheds of this century. In July 2012, as…


The Main Principles of Democratic Confederalism

Democratic Confederalism, as defined by Abdullah Öcalan is the ethical, political, and administrative expression of society – as a historical and sociological structure – in which different identities, factions and groups coexist in dialectical harmony. By this we are not referring to a classical confederal structure consisting of states, but the confederal unity of societal…
