Popular Education

We are not only interested in theoretical analysis, but in a change of thinking, of attitudes and thus in a social change. Our seminars are an introduction to and deepening on our paradigm.


All scientific work must be carried out by and for the moral and political society. We want to provide a platform to discuss approaches to local problems as well as the fundamental contradictions of the prevailing system. Just as fundamental social change is inconceivable without building the necessary organization, organization is nothing without a coherent and solid theoretical foundation. It is therefore necessary to intensify the critique of the existing, to think alternatives, to educate ourselves and to organize ourselves.


Some of the question we will address throughout the seminars are: How to search for truth? What does a free life mean for us? How can we redefine revolution, politics and democracy? What is the role of women’s liberation in the 21 st century? What is the role of social science for liberating society? How can we build unity within diversity and take steps towards democratic world confederalism.

Build new institutions

In order for the social sciences to contribute to the development and implementation of social, political and economic alternatives, they must free themselves from material and ideological dependence on the system and see themselves as part of the resistance against capitalist modernity. For autonomous educational work, the establishment of independent academies is a prerequisite.